Just Add Ink #705 - Just Add a Fancy Edge - Round We Go


At Just Add Ink this week we are challenging you to Just Add a Fancy Edge to your projects. 

As I started to plan my design for this brief I realised that I didn't have any current fancy edge dies. Hmmmm ...... what to do? Enter the rosette die from the Round We Go dies. Partially die cutting (only covering the part you want to die cut with the top plate) means you get a fancy edge! And with this die you get a choice of 2 different edges! I love it when you discover more uses for products!

And checkout my rosettes! Don't you just love the little die cut circular shapes! Just adds a little something extra to your projects. 

The largest rosette (in Peach Pie) was made using the rosette die. You die cut 2, join together, pleat, join the ends and form into the rosette, securing together on the back with a die cut or punched circle. To make the medium Petunia Pop rosette I cut 2 strips @ 1-1/8" wide and die cut, butting the edge of the paper against the scalloped edge. You only need 9 segments of the 2nd strip. The smaller Pretty in Pink rosette was created with 2 strips @ 3/4" wide, using only 5 segments of the second strip. Love them!

This is such a fun set. I love the sentiments in the stamp set and now that I have discovered more ways to use the dies I love them even more! And guess what? Until the end of June you can get an extra 10% off the bundle. How great is that! You can find it in my online store here

Make sure you pop on over to the Just Add Ink page to see how all the other Design Team members added a fancy edge. Why not enter your own creation? We always love seeing them!


To purchase the products I've used today you can click any of the direct links in the text above, the 'Click Here' graphic or the 'Shop Online' tab at the top of this page. They will take you directly to my online store, where you are only minutes away from getting products delivered straight to you door. 

Check all of the Online Exclusive products
So many amazing new goodies!

  Birthday Card Organizer Kit - Wonderful gift!

$44 AUD, includes all you need to create 12 cards and the organizer. And I mean everything - even adhesive is included!

Check out my Tutorial Collections and individual tutorials. 

You can the Tutorial Collections here and the individual tutorials here
